The concentration of nitrogen dioxide has plunged significantly and hit its lowest in April this year since July 2018 over Delhi and Mumbai region in India, according to the analysis carried out by three prominent agencies viz. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Japan Aerospace Exploration, and the European Space Agency.

According to the data provided on the Covid-19 Earth Observation Dashboard, the concentration of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere started reducing from March 16 and decreased unprecedentedly during the first phase of the nationwide lockdown brought in to contain the novel coronavirus.

All three agencies compiled their data and tracked the changes in the atmosphere. The data has been collated and presented in a Covid-19 Earth Observation Dashboard. The aim was to track and examine all the changes taking place regarding the economic activity, agriculture, and atmosphere during the Coronavirus pandemic.

In a statement released on the dashboard, the agencies said: “India has shown less air pollution during lockdown that too in selected cities, such as New Delhi and Mumbai.”

The reduction witnessed by the country is around 40-50 per cent compared to last year’s air pollution levels. However, the reduction is not even across the country. The north-eastern states of India have seen a consistent level of air pollution as industrial plants in the region kept on operating during the lockdown.

As of April 13, the NO2 levels in the tropospheric region over Delhi had dropped to 31.3 micromoles per square meter (µmol/m2). This is the lowest level witnessed after July 9, 2018, according to Covid-19 Earth Observation Dashboard. When compared to the same period in 2019, the NO2 concentration over Delhi was recorded at 113.9 µmol/m2 which is more than three times the level recorded in April 2020, Financial Express reported.