India’s leading food products company Amul has signed up as the official sponsor for the Indian contingent to the Rio Olympics 2016. The company will launch a series of advertising campaigns for milk and other dairy products to promote this association. In addition, the company’s products will also sport special branding to promote this association.

Amul will launch a series of advertising campaigns for milk and various dairy products to promote this association in the coming months. Amul has embarked upon an ‘Eat Milk with Every Meal’ campaign.

R S Sodhi, MD, GCMMF said, “Amul is committed to strengthening the Olympic movement in India and encourage the young generation from all over the country to take up Olympic sports.”

He said that milk is nature’s original energy drink and plays a pivotal role in building the physical and mental strength of the athletes. “This association will help in engaging the kids and youth so that they can enjoy a healthy life,” he added.