RK Pachauri, Director-General of The Energy Resources Institute, seems to have inadvertently leaked the name of the new chief of the revamped Planning Commission. At an event in Delhi this week, while in conversation with Suresh Prabhu, Pachauri said, “I hope you come with similar ideas when you become the new chief of the revamped Planning Commission.” Prabhu, who is currently the chairperson of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water, ducked media persons after the event to avoid questions. Whether he will be appointed or not is still not clear.

Jugaad to Mars?

India’s expertise in jugaad drew praise, but in a somewhat misplaced context. Patricia Hewitt, Chair, UK-India Business Council, while appreciating India’s USP in frugal innovation at a CII event in Delhi, said the biggest example of this was the Mangalyaan mission to Mars. “You managed to send it into orbit by spending less than a Hollywood film,” she said, sending the audience into peals of laughter, but leaving some wondering whether that was a backhanded compliment or what!

KFC for you

Enthralling the audience at a chemical conference last week, Nikhil Meswani, Executive Director of Reliance Industries, said he came to know Prime Minister Narendra Modi was going to inaugurate the first KFC store in Gujarat. “I was wondering how Modibhai can do it… opening KFC store which is known for serving non-vegetarian food. Then I was told KFC in Gujarat stands for khakhra , fafda and chakli ”. Snacks, anyone?

Charm offensive

Modi’s efforts to project himself as an affable and accessible leader may well have its flip side. His well-publicised meetings with global corporate bigwigs such as Pepsi CEO Indira Nooyi and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have raised expectations across the board.

Recently, officials in the Industry Ministry got a request from a US pharmaceutical company for a meeting with Modi. While the company was a top MNC, what angered the babus was the fact that those requesting the meeting were all middle-rung officials. “At their level, can they seek a meeting with Barack Obama?” one person asked. Point well made.

Never on a Sunday

The Kerala Government, as part of its new liquor policy, has declared Sundays to be dry days. The rule took effect all of a sudden — on October 5. It was notified only the previous evening. No liquor outlets in the State would be allowed to open on Sundays. The tourism industry is fuming. Already, 700-odd bars in the State are under threat of forced closure.

Right to smoke

The Human Rights Collective, which fights for prisoners’ freedom, has asked the Kerala Government to scrap the State prisons chief’s June order banning smoking inside prisons. The collective says the ban violates the human rights of prisoners and is “cruel discrimination”. It contends that for the prisoners, the jails are home for the duration of their imprisonment and hence smoking cannot be banned inside the prisons, even if it is banned in public. A campaign against the ban was launched on Gandhi Jayanti and a series of public meetings planned.

Dressed for the occasion

The last press conference addressed by Infosys co-founders last week had Nandan Nilekani amused when his mentor, NR Narayana Murthy, told him that he expected him to be dressed in a khadi kurta as he was now a member of the Congress Party. To which Nilekani replied that he was making an exception this time and had come dressed in corporate attire as the occasion demanded it. But Nilekani may have to go back to wearing khadi very soon as the Karnataka chief minister is planning to use his services to set right Bangalore’s infrastructure.