The editorial, “Lifting the pay veil” ( Business Line , January 4) could not have come at a better time. Now that the Companies Bill has been passed in the Lok Sabha, the Ministry for Corporate Affairs (MCA) should ensure that the new Regulations for greater legal disclosures are in line with all that is mentioned in the article.

The watering down of the earlier disclosure norms needs to be revisited and reinstated with appropriate upgrades.

This ought to be put in the public domain for suggestions and objections.

The world has been moving in the direction of curbing the runaway, exorbitant pay to corporate directors and top executives; all the reason why we follow suit.

Nagesh Kini


Fight corruption

This is with reference to “Are politicians listening?” ( Business Line , Jan 3). Rightfully, the seething public outcry on the gang-rape of a 23-year-old in Delhi has awakened the conscience of the nation to think about gender neutrality and respect for women.

The spotlight on the issue has exposed the abysmal conviction rates, the drag on the rape cases, and the fissures and fractures in our police and judicial systems.

Further, with politicians with criminal records getting elected, electoral reforms appear necessary to bring credibility on polity to large masses.

While we are fixated on punishing the rape offenders and giving swift justice to rape victims, we should not overlook the common theme that explains the ineffectiveness of our institutions — corruption — which gets a criminal elected or a rapist to walk free.

Hence, we should shy away from a band-aid approach to cure society.

To emerge as a developed country, which protects its citizens, irrespective of their caste or gender, we have to fight corruption head-on. And in due course the rest will all fall in place.

Varad Seshadri
