Since a lot of my test match viewing has been interrupted by impassioned appeals to watch Masterchef , I’ve decided to hedge my bets and set a quiz on cooks.

1 Simple one to start with. What is the correct name for the tall white hat traditionally worn by chefs?

2 Which classic adventure story was originally titled The Sea Cook: A Story For Boys ?

3 Which famous 20th-century artist’s autobiography, published in 1942, starts with the following lines, “At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily since”?

4 We all know of chefs and sous-chefs, but what specific role does a ‘communard’ perform in a restaurant’s kitchen?

5 Which Hrishikesh Mukherjee film, starring Rajesh Khanna was a remake of Tapan Sinha’s ’60s Bengali comedy Golpo Holeo Shotti , released in 1966?

6 This actress has hosted a television series on the food and culture of Spain. She has also written Spain... A Culinary Road Trip , My Father’s Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family and Togetherness , Notes From the Kitchen Table and It’s All Good: Delicious Easy Recipes That Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great . Also, she named one of her children after something to eat. Identify her, before you lose interest in the question.

7 Who, in the world of comic fiction, is a polyglot, martial arts expert and the head of the top secret crime fighting organisation Inter-Intel?

8 In the Mahabharat, who adopted the name Vallabh and worked as the royal cook in the kingdom of Virat?

9 In the ’90s , Rosie Daley sold over six million copies of a cookbook, which featured 50 favourite recipes of a famous personality who also co-wrote the book. Who was her famous co-author?

10 We all know that Nelson Wang was the man who invented the ubiquitous chicken manchurian in the ’70s. The question is, in which famous institution’s kitchen (not a conventional restaurant or hotel) did chef Wang first create this dish?


1. Toque, from the Arabic ‘taquia’ for hat

2. Treasure Island, aren’t you glad Robert Louis Stevenson changed his mind.

3. Salvador Dali

4. A ‘communard’ cooks for all the staff in the kitchen, probably the most discerning audience.


6. Gwyneth Paltrow, would you name your child Apple?

7. Hojo the cook, in the Mandrake comics

8. Bheem

9. Oprah Winfrey

10. The CCI (Cricket Club of India)

Joy Bhattacharjya is a quiz master, Director - Kolkata Knight Riders and author of Junior Premier League — The First XI

Follow Joy on Twitter >@joybhattacharj