The Expedition Operators Association (EOA) had a meeting with many of the foreign operators in Kathmandu and a letter was sent to the Nepal’s Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (which regulates climbing on Everest) with various demands. I have spent weeks trying to present a reasonable argument, but I am sad to say that the reaction from senior officials is that of contempt. This is the best opportunity that the Ministry has ever had to make meaningful and progressive changes that will be appreciated by the Sherpa community and would demonstrate to the international community that they are serious about the administration of this important tourist business. But no, they have done nothing, which is disappointing. What is even worse is that they are now embroiled in corruption, lies and deceit.

During the 2014 season, foreign operators estimate that more than $100 million was spent by the international community on Everest. Furthermore, we estimate that the total impact to the GDP of Nepal would have been in excess of $15 million, and that the direct income for permit fees would be approximately $3.3 million. This is a huge amount of wasted money in the course of one year, and Nepal cannot afford to lose this income. Also, it is now hard for the climbing and sponsorship community to have faith in the administration of mountaineering tourism in Nepal, the long-term effects will probably be quite drastic, and this will also effect the employment of the local community; not only Sherpas, but also hotels, airlines, food suppliers, porters, taxi drivers and even postcard sellers.

Travel and tourism is 9.4 per cent of Nepal’s GDP, which is forecast to rise to 11 per cent by 2023. Travel and tourism employs more than 1.25 million people, which is 8.2 per cent of the total employment in a country that has 46 per cent unemployment. Any decrease in tourism employment will be a great loss to Nepal.

Because of the widespread publicity about this unfortunate accident, 16 families have been able to rightfully gain considerable income from donations from around the world which, I have heard, amounts to something like $8,00,000. Many were appalled that the Nepal government only offered $400 per victim, a paltry amount. However, I heard that this was just an initial dole from the government from a general Relief Fund that is set aside for earthquakes and such catastrophes. But in this case, the huge international support for the families has watered down the demands of the Sherpas who are asking the Ministry to have a fund in place for such accidents in the future. The Ministry sees this outside support as a way around having such funds, absolving them of responsibility.

But how does this help the Sherpa who died earlier on in the season? Or the Sherpa who survived this avalanche, but was walking home to his village a few days later and was struck dead by lightning? What access to funds does he have? Care needs to be taken to have a structure in place that will be able to channel donations for bereaved families of all high-altitude Sherpa workers in the future.

I heard that there was yet another bus crash in Nepal just a couple of days after the avalanche in which 23 people were killed. Accidents like this happen regularly in the country but there is never any media attention, and these poor people won’t even get the support which the avalanche victims got. But are these people also not worthy of aid from the government as they have no insurance cover? There are so many improvements required in the Nepalese community, and if the mountaineering industry can lead the way then that would be a great example.

What needs to be done

• The Ministry should set up a special committee to investigate this year’s accident.

• Those ring leaders that were responsible need to be held accountable.

• The Ministry needs to be overhauled from top to bottom, including the aviation sector.

• New rules need to be put in place to ensure that Sherpas are better looked after.

• New rules and regulations need to be put in place so that the investment and security of operators and members is ensured.

Will this happen? I am doubtful. But it is time that those in power makes some meaningful and progressive changes.

(Russell Brice is a mountaineer from New Zealand and the owner/manager of Himalayan Experience)