We saw ChatGPT enter the advertising space even as brands continued their love affair with Valentine’s Day. While there was some brand building action in India, globally the Super Bowl ad showcase dazzled.

The perfect partner

Matchmaking service BharatMatrimony’s campaign “My Perfect Valentine,” caught the eye as it featured an AI-generated entity and had text generated by ChatGPT. The disruptive campaign sees a perfect specimen called Aaditya Iyer post his pictures and thoughts on Instagram declaring his intention to find a valentine, and rapidly garner lot of followers. On the D-day however it is revealed that he is not real but an AI generated face and his thoughts were penned by ChatGPT. The message in the campaign created by Wondrlab India is that it is important to find real people.

A human thing

Cheil India’s new campaign for MG Motor India continues on the very British trail the brand has been following. Through the antics of a stiff upper lip sort butler and his young master, it showcases the Next Gen Hector – an Internet car, with a bold look, amazing infotainment experiences and technology – but one that is very humanised. Shot in and around London, it gives you a slice of British aristocratic life, a perfect setting to demonstrate the royal treatment the Next-Gen Hector can give.

Away from hustle culture

Think of Jeans and a rugged, sporty, urban street fashion kind of image comes to mind. Or a sense of belonging and community as it’s almost a uniform. When Bang in the Middle was asked to create communication for Buda Jeans, a new denim brand from the house of AJIO, it decided to take a road less travelled. Buda Jeans is built on the ethos of peace, calm, happiness, where you quit the rat race to find tranquillity. The tag-line is Planet Easy – the film is about living in the moment, letting go of the frills, and rejecting hustle.

Super Bowl cuteness

Nobody switches off during the commercial breaks at Super Bowl as agencies up their creativity during the games. Many ads dazzled including the Dunkin’ donut drive through with Ben Affleck, but our heart was conquered by Amazon’s story of a bored, destructive dog and what the family does to solve the problem.