Do you want to reshape school education? Begin by changing the shape of the report card, Dentsu Webchutney seems to say. The digital arm of Dentsu Aegis Network has introduced the Progressive Report Card, a circular document that seeks to give equal importance to all subjects.

A press release says the agency’s strategy and research team recognised that the traditional report card reflects a societal preference and preoccupation with “mainstream subjects” such as mathematics, languages and science by placing them on top. The Progressive Report aims to reorient parents and teachers to value all subjects by giving equal weightage to them visually.

The team also identified that parents’ knowledge about childhood development has expanded, and that more and more educational institutions are seeing the merit in a curriculum that supports all-round development where every subject is equally important.

It was designed in partnership with KA EduAssociates, one of India’s oldest educational consultancies.

It has already been adopted by a few schools and has reached over 6,600 parents across India. PG Aditya and Ashwin Palkar are the creative leads at Dentsu Webchutney, Bangalore, for the team that engineered this initiative.