Trendy shoes and bags made out of discarded tyres? Yes, says JK Tyres.

With as many as 33 million vehicles hitting the roads in last three years, the menace of discarded tyres is a growing environmental concern.

Aimed at using unconventional methods to create footwear and accessories from old tyres, JK Tyre launched its concept ‘Soles with Soul', a tyre recycling initiative in association with the Footwear Design and Development Institute.

“Disposal of used tyre is a burning issue. The aim is to encourage the industry towards recycling and introduce a concept which may become a revolution in coming years,” said Raghupati Singhania, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, JK Tyres.

The company, which showcased nearly 40 shoes and accessories designed by FDDI students, said though the idea is still in conceptual stages, commercialising it may still take some time.

“It only costs about half as much to produce some products using recycled rubber therefore, it makes sense for businesses to re-use the material and keeps the old tyres out of landfills,” said Ajoy Shah, DGM-Passenger cars, JK Tyres.

Millions of tyres are used as fuel and millions more are sent to other countries to be used as re-treads.

He said while globally there are strict regulations against the disposing off used tyres, India still needs to catch up.

“In the US, even transporting 10 tyres need Government permit, unlike in India. Hence, we are looking to contribute our bit to the industry,” Mr Shah said, adding the company had trained students on the usage of rubber to create fancy products.

JK Tyres will be organising exhibitions and use industry platform to create awareness on the concept.