Angel One said on Wednesday it had addressed a data breach that occurred in April last year. The data breach was promptly reported to the relevant authorities at that time and primarily consists of sample data and includes details related to delisted companies from 2021.

Angel One emphasised that no new data breach has occurred and that the authenticity of the leaked data has not been validated. The company reiterated its commitment to data security and assured customers that their information remains protected.

A spokesperson for Angel One said, “We wish to assure all our users that no new data breach has occurred. The current issue pertains to an incident in April 2023, which was promptly reported to the relevant authorities. We do not engage in buying data from hackers as it is an illegal activity. To further secure our systems, we have implemented two-factor authentication and other security measures. We confirm that Angel One’s customer data is secure, and this incident has no impact on client securities, funds, or credentials. All client accounts remain safe.”

Angel One’s client base grew to 24.72 million in June this year — a 64.2 per cent year-on-year increase. The company clocked a 96.9 per cent y-o-y growth in gross client acquisition, onboarding 0.94 million new clients last month.