Several workers of Ford India’s Sanand facility in Gujarat on Saturday staged protest against the management alleging illegal termination of an employee at the plant.

The trouble started after the company allegedly terminated an employee for 'inappropriate behaviour' with a female employee at the plant. The members of the Ford workers' union in Sanand protested the termination outside the company gate.

In a statement, Ford India said, "We prefer to keep discussions about our employees confidential and continue to be engaged in discussion with the Union representatives. It is, however, important to note that Ford has zero tolerance for acts of workplace bullying or coercion. As a company, we are committed to providing a safe environment to our workforce and within our right to take disciplinary action after a robust and transparent investigation."

The company did not clarify whether the plant operations to be hit due to the workers' protest. However, sources at the facility claimed that the plant was running at a single shift and may have to face temporary impact on the operations. Ford makes its compact-sedan Aspire at the Sanand facility.

This is not a rare instance of labour trouble at Ford India plant. Earlier in February 2019, over 800 workers had protested over the issue of long-pending wage settlement and boycotted the company-provided meals.

In 2018 also Ford India had to face workers' ire after more than 400 employees at its Maraimalai Nagar facility in Tamil Nadu protested dismissal of nine co-workers by the management for 'violation of company's code of integrity.'