Kochi, September 28

ShopDoc, a Kochi-based superspeciality hospital app for patient referrals and doctor deployment, has launched three services for Gulf countries, primarily their Indian diaspora.

Incubated by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), ShopDoc has been selected to participate in GITEX Future Stars 2021, the biggest startup event in the West Asian, North African and South Asian region, at the Dubai World Centre between October 17 and 20.

ShopDoc services for the Gulf countries include MobeedCare Family Care, an on-demand patient care for the complete hospitalisation needs of family members in India; U OK?, a virtual mental health support clinic offering one-on-one consultations at nominal fee for the Indian expatriate workforce; and FFounders, a customised diet and fitness programme for the expatriate Indian business community.

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KSUM Chief Executive Officer John M Thomas described as heartening the launch of ShopDoc’s online services for the Indian expatriate community. “It is also a matter of pride for the fledgling company to be selected as a participant in Dubai’s prestigious GITEX Future Stars startup event,” he added.

“A significant number of international patient enquiries we receive daily are from the Gulf Malayalees. Also, the majority of patients we serve here have family members in the Gulf countries who are often concerned and confused. So we found it imperative to extend our services to them,” said Shihab Makaniyil, co-founder and CEO, ShopDoc.

All three co-founders of ShopDoc were formerly Dubai residents and understand the healthcare needs of the expatriate community, said Razik Ashraf, another co-founder and COO, who previously worked for the Dubai Health Authority’s IT department and an ICT company in Qatar.

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Launched in September 2020 in Kerala and South Karnataka, the healthcare startup currently has on board more than 2,500 specialist doctors, 175 multispeciality hospitals and 20 diagnostic chains, processing thousands of patient referrals each week.

“We are fundamentally a healthcare company that builds and uses technology to help more people faster... and bring down treatment costs,” said Zahid Makaniyil, co-founder and CTO.