The Union Health Ministry is looking at a national roll-out U-WIN, a one stop digital platform which will maintain an electronic registry of vaccinations and immunisation programs. It will also be sending out alerts for upcoming jabs.

U-WIN, designed on the lines of Co-WIN, will be used to register and vaccinate pregnant women, register births and record immunisation and vaccination details till age 13. All vaccines which come under the Universal Immunisation Program will be registered and their schedule of administering maintained through the e-platform.

Pilot projects are reportedly underway in over 60 districts of the country, Health Ministry officials told businessline.

‘One-stop resgistry’

“U-WIN is a one-stop registry and record of immunisation programs. Since such immunisation programs happen till the age of 13, it will maintain records right from birth registry to administering the last vaccine. Alerts of upcoming vaccination schedule will also be issued,” the official said.

Beneficiaries can book slots, track and participate in an on-going or upcoming routine immunisation program. They will also get certificates saved and sorted through the DigiLocker app (where a copy of these certificates will be stored).

‘Timely vaccine administration’

According to the official, the portal will also help health workers reach out families for timely administration of vaccine, get real time data of routine immunisation sessions, better planning and vaccine distribution; and also track and follow-up in case of drop-outs.

“The project is at a pilot stage. But we are looking at a national roll-out of the U-WIN soon. Discussions are on with state governments too,” the official said.

Reportedly, the U-WIN also featured during the on-going G20 discussions and events as a ‘first-of-its-type’ that India is attempting in the digital healthcare space. Apart from Co-WIN, which has obtained universal international acclamation, India’s Jan Aushadi scheme has also drawn appreciation and attention from Indonesia’s Health Minsiter. The latter has expressed his willingness to replicate the scheme there.

Co-ordinating with States

Incidentally, a Health Ministry official pointed out that co-ordination with states continues to be one of the major challenges in the program.

Many of the state governments have their own birth registration and data management systems, including recording vaccination and immunisation programs for children. And are still hesitant on using U-WIN as the first platform of choice.