With nearly 1,000 engineers, the ZF India Technology Centre (ITC) here, has emerged as an important contributor to the development of autonomous vehicle technology for the German major. By 2020, the Centre will hire another 1,100.

The ITC will play a significant role in digitalisation and advance software development focus that the global major has undertaken, said , Vice-President and Head of ZF ITC . At present about 30 per cent of the engineers are working on the 1Start of Production’ programmes.

Speaking on the occasion of completion of one year of the ITC, he said in the near future “we will join the R&D teams across the globe to achieve ZF’s “Vision Zero-Zero Accidents and Zero Emissions”. The Centre is now integrated with the 20 main development centres of ZF worldwide.

Last year, the ITC added around 400 engineers. More that 50 per cent have come from multinationals, 30 per cent are post graduates. It works through its service partners and employees on various projects. Local tech teams also collaborate with global R&D network in ZF to support innovation led product development in autonomous driving, artificial intelligence and digitalisation.

Mamatha Chamarthi, Chief Digital Officer, ZF Friedrichshafen AG said: “A lot of R&D and software development work is happening at the ITC which is in tandem with our global strategies and product development. The diverse talent pool available in India is a huge boon for us and we hope to continue doing great work.”