The essence of entrepreneurship contains in taking new initiatives and students of management should cultivate it while they are in the college so that they can be ready for the challenges ahead once they move into the field, according to Mr P.V. Rama Shashank, Director of Conduira, a training institute here.

He was addressing the MBA students of Pydah College of Management here on Monday at a guest lecture organised by the Business Line Club and sponsored by Tata Photon Plus. Dr S. Sarabandhi, Director of the institute, presided over the meeting. Dr Chiranjeevi Rao, Head of the Department, participated in it.

Mr Shashank said it was necessary for students to set themselves clear goals while in the college and to strive hard to achieve them. “Then only can you be prepared for the challenges ahead. You should never shun responsibility and there should also be a strong ethical base,” he told students. He narrated his job experiences in a company and how he was made responsible for spending more than Rs 250 crore or so almost immediately after he had graduated from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM). He was not overawed by the responsibility and had risen to the occasion.

Constant learning

Mr Shashank told students that it was necessary for them to keep learning new things constantly and the process should not end with graduation. Professional skills, soft skills and other skills were all necessary, but what ultimately mattered was motivation and willingness to achieve excellence in the chosen field and to set for oneself high goals. “Don't set for yourself small goal posts. Don't underperform and be content with a little and don't be merely the best in Vizag. Be the best in the country and then in the world in your chosen field,” he exhorted students.

He said students from the rural and semi-urban backgrounds often could not overcome their inhibitions, even though they were as knowledgeable as their peers from the urban areas. They should make special efforts to shed the inhibitions and fears holding them back. It was not very difficult if they were given proper training and opportunity. The Business Line Club opened up one such avenue and they should make use of it.