In a significant development in an Indo-Pak dispute, the International Court of Arbitration at The Hague has upheld India’s right to divert water from the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project (KHEP) in Kashmir.

Reacting to the development, an official spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs said: “The award of the Court of Arbitration at The Hague has reaffirmed validity of India’s position regarding KHEP by allowing diversion of water from the KHEP as envisaged by India.”

Indus Waters Treaty

He said: “It highlights once again that India is adhering to all the provisions of Indus Waters Treaty.”

The spokesperson also said the details of the award were being studied.

Pakistan has been objecting to the construction of the hydroelectric project on the Kishanganga river in Kashmir, which is called Neelum upon entering Pakistan.

Kishanganga dam dispute

In November 2009, Pakistan had proposed the establishment of a Court of Arbitration and the appointment of a neutral expert to resolve the Kishanganga dam dispute.

Indus Waters Treaty, inked between India and Pakistan, provides for the appointment of a neutral expert by the World Bank as a last option to resolve water-related issues between the two countries.

The Kishanganga plant, in Bandipora district of north Kashmir, is part of a run-of-the-river hydroelectric scheme that is designed to divert water from the Kishanganga river to a power plant in the Jhelum river basin.