Even as parts of South Mumbai and western suburbs are facing water cuts due to pipeline replacements, the BMC has said that those receiving water supply will continue to get it in yellowish colour for at least 20 more days while maintaining that it was fit for drinking.

“The yellowish water will continue for at least 20 days. The yellow colour is because of the chemical reaction. This season we started supplying water from Upper Vaitarna, which is a little unclean. The purification process demanded the use of certain chemicals this led to change in colour,” Hydraulic Department Chief Engineer, Mr Vinay Deshpande, said.

In order to ensure that the Middle Vaitarna project does not get affected, we are drawing water from Upper Vaitarna. When this water reaches the Bhandup water complex via Modak Sagar dam, we treat it with chlorine, he said. “It is not harmful to drink the water,” Mr Deshpande said.

Meanwhile, due to the pipeline placement work residents of South Mumbai and western suburbs will face water cuts between 10 to 100 per cent for three days.