Coir Board Chairman CP Radhakrishnan has appealed to the participants of India International Coir Festival (IICF) 2016 to use coir wood and stop cutting of trees.

Coir composite or coir wood is made using coir fibre bonded with thermosetting adhesive, which is a replacement for wood and plywood. The fibre, considered an agro waste can be effectively used in the making of wood.

This wood can be used for making furniture, in structural application and more effectively during disaster times in construction of portable houses and project offices.

Unlike wood, the density of the coir composite can be varied as per requirement. The high lignin content (43 per cent) makes the product more durable, he said and pointed out that tree felling resulted in harming the atmosphere.

“There is therefore an immediate need to use the alternate material apart from wood and this coir composite can supplement wood in all respects,” he explained, highlighting the benefits of putting the coir fibre to effective use.

On a parting note he added that this renewable raw material could be obtained from the coconut tree every 45{+t}{+h} day, while keeping the tree intact.

Products made from coir caught the attention of the visitors to the fair.