The Soyabean Processors Association of India (SOPA), the apex trade body for the sector, has estimated 14 per cent rise in soyabean crop for this year at 118.88 lakh tonnes as yields are expected to be better than last year.

SOPA’s estimates, however, are lower than the Agriculture Ministry’s first advance estimates of 127.20 lakh tonnes (lt), released last month.

Based on the crop survey carried out between September 23 and October 4, SOPA’s preliminary estimates are higher by 14.33 lt over last year’s 104.5 lt. The oilseeds trade body expects average yields to rise to 991 kg/ha against 883 kg/ha in 2020.

Why harvested soya is in water and tomato on roadsides, in Marathwada

However, SOPA has estimated the soyabean acreage at 119.98 lakh hectares (lh), lower than the Agriculture Ministry’s 123.67 lh. This difference in acreage is mainly in Maharashtra, where the government has estimated the acreage at 46.17 lh, while the SOPA’s satellite image projections have pegged the area at 43.84 lh.

September rains

SOPA had carried out area estimation using satellite images in 51 highest soyabean growing districts (25 in Madhya Pradesh, 20 in Maharashtra and 6 in Rajasthan).

SOPA said the crop was under harvest in various States. However, the continuous rains the last week of September have caused water logging in some areas, which will affect the crop quality and will result in damaged grains.

The major increase in yields is seen in Madhya Pradesh, the largest producer. SOPA expects yields to rise to 939 kg/ha in M.P., an increase of 31.5 per cent over last year’s 714 kg/ha. Production in M.P. is set to increase to 52.29 lt (41.77 lt), despite lower area of around 3 lakh hectares.

Stakeholders expect soyabean output to be up by 1-million tonne

Higher output

In Maharashtra, total production is set to increase to 48.32 lt ( 45.44 lt), despite a marginal decline in yields. The higher output is mainly on account of increase in acreage at 43.84 lh (40.39 lh).

In Rajasthan, the output is seen lower at 7 lt (8.58 lt) mainly on account of lower acreage. Deficit rains in the early part of the sowing season had impacted the area in Rajasthan.

SOPA expects production to more than double in Telangana to 3.54 lt (1.64 lt) on doubling of acreage. Soyabean output is likely to rise in Karnataka to 3.84 lt (3.73 lt) and Gujarat at 2.27 lt (1.45 lt).

Most popular varieties sown were JS 335, JS 9305 and JS 9560.