India Meteorological Department (IMD) has pushed the landfall of depression from a resident low-pressure area in the Bay of Bengal from Sunday afternoon/evening to Monday morning, besides extending the high wind forecast to Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts.

Updated wind warning said squally conditions with wind speeds of 40-50 km/hr gusting to 60 km/hr would prevail over the Andaman Islands, the Andaman Sea and adjoining East-Central Bay of Bengal on Friday, as the low-pressure area stays parked over the North Andaman Sea.


Slightly enhanced wind speed of 45-55 km/hr gusting to 65 km/hr is forecast over the West-Central and adjoining North-West Bay, South-West Bay and along and off the Odisha-Andhra Pradesh-Tamil Nadu-Puducherry coasts from early Sunday to till forenoon of Monday.

Landfall on Monday morning

Along with this, squally winds with speed reaching 45-55 km/hr may also prevail over the Gulf of Mannar during the same period. The expanse of the seas under reference would witness variously ‘rough to very rough’ conditions (wave heights of 8-20 ft).

According to the IMD, the low would move west-north-westwards and intensify become a depression over the Central Bay by Saturday. Moving along the same track, the depression is forecast to cross the North Andhra Pradesh coast on Monday morning.

Wider footprint of rainfall

Light to moderate rainfall with heavy (6.5-12 cm) rainfall has been forecast at isolated places over the Andaman & Nicobar Islands on Friday and Saturday. A similar outlook is in place for Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rayalaseema, Interior Karnataka and Marathwada on Saturday.

Saturday may also witness heavy falls over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and interior Karnataka. Sunday and Monday would likely see light to moderate rainfall over Coastal Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Marathawada and Vidarbha.

But it would be heavy to very heavy falls over Coastal Odisha, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Interior Karnataka, Marathawada and Vidarbha, the IMD said.