Edible oils ruled mixed on weak futures amid slack ready demand. But stockists continued fresh buys for April. On the BCE, palmolein and rapeseed oil gained ₹2 and ₹10 per 10 kg each. Sunflower oil lost ₹5. Groundnut, soya and cotton remained steady. Soyabean prices were ex mandi ₹3,550-3,650 and plant delivery ₹3,650-3,750. Soya oil was ₹730-735 and soya refined oil was ₹765-770. At Rajkot, groundnut oil was steady for telia tin at ₹1,280 and loose (10 kg) ₹790. BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 840 (840), soya ref. 765 (765), sunflower exp. ref. 710 (715), sunflower ref. 760 (763), rapeseed ref. 790 (780), rapeseed exp. ref. 760 (750), cottonseed ref. oil 760 (760) and palmolein 720 (718).