Scattered to fairly widespread light to moderate rainfall with isolated heavy falls may once again descend over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the South Peninsula in the next four-five days (around Monday next), an India Meteorological Department (IMD) update has said. An incoming causative cyclonic circulation has already dropped anchor over the South Andaman Sea. 

On the other side side of the South Peninsula, remnant of erstwhile cyclone ‘Mandous’ is enjoying a second lease of life after concentrating into a low-pressure area over the East-Central and adjoining South-East Arabian Sea away from the Kerala and Karnataka coasts. It has since become ‘well-marked,’ and could become a depression on Thursday further away from the coast.

Fishermen advisory in place

Fishermen are advised not to venture into the seas along and off North Kerala, Karnataka, and Goa Coasts till this (Wednesday) morning; the Lakshadweep area till Thursday morning; the South-East Arabian Sea till Thursday evening; the East-Central Arabian Sea till Saturday morning; the West-Central Arabian Sea and South-West Arabian Sea from Thursday morning to Sunday.

The cyclonic circulation over the South Andaman Sea and adjoining Strait of Malacca and Sumatra will trigger fairly widespread rainfall with isolated heavy falls over the Nicobar Islands on Thursday. Numerical model predictions suggest that a low-pressure area may form here and head towards North Sri Lanka and adjoining South Coastal Tamil Nadu in the next two-three days. 

Lanka heavy rain alert 

This will set off the rains over the South Peninsula from Monday onwards as the easterlies to the north of the low-pressure area impact the Tamil Nadu coast and the adjoining interior South Peninsula. An easterly wave following close on heels and impacting Sri Lanka should help extend the wet spell. The Sri Lanka Met office has indicated a strong week-long rain spell from Sunday. 

Back home, rain or thundershowers were recorded at many places over Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Karaikal, and Lakshadweep; at a few places over the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Yanam, and Coastal and South Interior Karnataka on Tuesday, while it was isolated places over West Madhya Pradesh, East Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Marathwada, Rayalaseema Kerala, and Mahe. This was a ‘parting shot’ attributed to the away-going but well-marked ‘low’ over the South-East Arabian Sea.