As the newly-elected Congress government in Karnataka grapples with the challenge of securing rice supplies to fulfill its electoral pledge, farmer leaders and experts propose an alternative solution — that the State explore the possibility of procuring millets like ragi and jowar directly from local farmers at the minimum support price.

Such a move would help address the nutritional security besides encouraging farmers to grow more millets, they said.

After the Food Corporation of India (FCI) decided to halt the sale of rice and wheat through the Open Market Sale Scheme to States, Karnataka is now seeking rice supplies from Chhattisgarh, Telangana, and Punjab to fulfil its commitment of providing 10 kg rice to each member of households below the poverty line. The Union government discontinued the OMSS sales to States, with the exception of the North-East region, citing delayed monsoon and escalating cereal prices as the reasons behind this move.

Also read: Millets need a procurement push

“Instead of buying rice from other States to provide under public distribution system, the Government should procure ragi and jowar from local farmers and provide them to beneficiaries. Ragi is consumed in southern parts of the State, while jowar is consumed in the northern districts. This will also encourage farmers to grow more of these cereals and lead to employment opportunities in the state,” said Chamras Malipatil, President of Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS). Also, the Government can look at providing sona masuri rice to the beneficiaries, he added.

Echoing similar views, farmer leader Kurubur Shantakumar, said by procuring ragi and jowar directly, the State should come to the rescue of farmers.

Prakash Kammaradi, agri-economist and former chairman of Karnataka Agriculture Prices Commission, said the State should look at providing 5 kg of jowar/ragi along with rice under the PDS. Such a move will help address the nutritional security, while giving a signal for farmers at the start of the kharif cropping season to plant more of these coarse cereals, he added.

“In the year of millets, it will be a win-win situation for the farmers, the government and the beneficiaries,” Kammaradi added.