The recent widespread rains across the State have brightened the prospects for kharif crops, including groundnut and cotton, with sowing area reaching 100 per cent of the normal acreage.

As per the latest data, released on August 13 by the State Agriculture Director, cotton sowing is recorded on an area of 25.99 lakh hectares, at the same level of three-year normal acreage. Groundnut sowing is reported at 15.25 lakh hectares, about 3 per cent lower than the normal sowing of 15.7 lakh hectares.

The weekly data showed spurt in cotton sowing over the past fortnight as the growing regions in the State received good rains. As on July 29, cotton sowing was reported at 23.76 lakh hectares. The groundnut sowing has gained momentum from 13.87 lakh hectares in the past fortnight.

Total kharif sowing in the State increased by about 13 lakh hectares over the past fortnight to 71.34 lakh hectares as on August 13, which is about 84 per cent coverage of normal kharif sowing.

However, sowing area for castor lagged by about 58 per cent to 2.3 lakh hectares, as against normal sowing of 5.6 lakh hectares for the season. But the data showed castor cultivation increasing from 1.5 lakh hectare over same period last year.

Overall pulses area declined from 4.05 lakh hectares to 3.41 lakh hectares as compared to last year, while it was down by about 40 per cent as against normal acreage of 5.79 lakh hectares.

Among the cereals, bajra sowing was 100 per cent complete, while area for jowar and paddy fell by about 55 per cent and 20 per cent respectively.

Notably, tobacco sowing has jumped by about four times to 1924 hectares till August 13, as against 410 hectares in the same period last year. The season's normal sowing for the leaf crop is 57,805 hectares.