In the wake of the two-day strike by labour unions, the Indian Staffing Federation (ISF) has appealed to the Government to expedite the process of fostering “healthier, relevant, implementable and easy to understand labour laws.”

“This is particularly relevant today in view of the two-day trade union strike that has hit the nation and is likely to cause a substantial loss to the Indian economy, particularly sectors like transport, manufacturing, retail, healthcare and banking,” ISF said in a release.

Maintaining that the strike was totally “uncalled for”, the ISF said reform was imperative to push the ‘undeclared work’ taking place currently outside the purview of the legal system towards a formal setup.

It said the Government needed to take a critical look at whether the existing regulatory framework had some parts that were hampering the growth of employment, enterprise and industry without really contributing significantly to labour welfare.

It said better labour laws would encourage employment or employability attending to the needs of a wider workforce, rather than protect the interests of those already protected in the formal sector.
