Reacting to the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman 's announcement on boosting the country's aviation sector, GVK Reddy, Founder & Chairman, GVK, welcomed the proposals to strengthen the civil aviation sector.

“We welcome the announcements made by the government today in the Civil Aviation sector. The move to invite Public Private Partnership in six more airports will provide the Airport Authority of India resources to develop smaller airports across the country and popularise the government’s Udaan scheme," he said.

“The plans to make India a global MRO Hub will ensure savings of precious foreign exchange and enable Indian airlines to get their aircraft serviced locally. I am sure that the government under Prime Minister Modi’s dynamic leadership, will take many more steps in the coming days to get our economy back on rails post the Covid-19 crisis,” Reddy further said.

As a part of the Government's fourth stimulus package, the Finance Minister announced several measures to boost the aviation sector including development of new airports and making the country a MRO hub.

This is part of the Prime Minister's announcement of the ₹20 lakh crore package to reboot the economy.