Taking into account the request from logistics providers, Southern Railway (SR) has launched advance booking of parcel space up to 120 days in SLRs and parcel vans attached to passenger carrying trains and time-tabled parcel special trains. This will help the logistics providers and parcel customers to plan in advance their cargo movement schedules with certainty and this will also attract more parcel traffic to Railways.

Advance booking of parcel spaces in SLRs (8 metric tonnes) and high capacity parcel vans (23/24 tonnes) is allowed up to 120 days in advance of the scheduled departure of the passenger trains or time-tabled parcel specials.

Advance booking shall be allowed only in parcel spaces which are not already leased by Railways, says a release from SR.

Customers booking parcel space shall pay 10 per cent of the total freight for the space booked at the time of booking. Freight rates are determined as per the category of trains. Balance payment of 90 per cent shall be made 72 hours in advance of the scheduled departure., the release said.