Students should invest their time in charting out their career rather than thinking about it. But the problem with most youngsters these days is that they do the reverse of this and face problems after coming out of the campus and on entering the job market.

Mr K.V.S.M. Sudhakar, Senior Vice-President and Circle Head, Axis Bank, made this candid observation while delivering the BL Club lecture on “Career Planning”, to MBA students of the Koneru Lakshmaiah University near here. TATA Photon presented the talk as part of an initiative to create campus interface with the corporate world by facilitating lectures by industry and business experts for the benefit of students.

Delving into the nitty-gritty of career planning, Mr Sudhakar pointed out that time management was very much necessary to carve out successful careers and one should be able to use time effectively by setting goal posts and achieving them accordingly. Youngsters would do well if they carefully invested their time in understanding the organisations they seek to work for, in preparing bright resumes and also in assimilating the job profile they would like to take up, he suggested.

Throwing light on the need for timely action by students, Mr Sudhakar said, “The best part of your life happens on the campus itself. Companies offer a number of placements. The college creates plenty of job opportunities. Once you go out of the campus, you have to look for a job on your own. It is better to make use of opportunities while on the campus.”

Mr Sudhakar told the students that those youngsters who failed in their careers did so because they were not in the jobs for the sheer pleasure of the work but for something else. If students had only money in their minds and did not care much for the job description that might suit their interest, lasting career success would continue to elude them, he observed.

The Hindu Regional General Manager, Mr K. Chandrasekaran, explained the objectives of Business Line Club talks. Ms Sheela Srivastava, HoD, MBA, KL University, proposed the vote of thanks.