India has extended the deadline for the imposition of retaliatory tariffs against 29 products imported from the US, which includes apples, almonds, walnuts, chickpeas and some metals, till November 2.

This is the second time the implementation of the tariff has been postponed. The duties were announced on June 20 and were to be implemented from August 4. The deadline was then extended to September 18.

The decision to put off implementation of the tariff hike by another 45 days, till November 2, was announced by the Department of Revenue in a notification on Monday. The proposal to slap the US with retaliatory tariffs worth an estimated $241 million was made after the US President Donald Trump imposed penal tariffs of 25 per cent on steel and 10 per cent on aluminium imported from a number of countries, including India, earlier this year.

The Commerce Ministry is in talks with the US Trade Representative’s office to resolve the matter amicably.