India has initiated a probe into alleged dumping of electrogalvanized steel, used in auto and electronics industries, from Korea, Japan, Singapore following a complaint by a domestic company.

American Precoat Speciality Pvt Ltd has filed an application before the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) for investigation of anti-dumping duty concerning the imports of electrogalvanized steel from the three countries.

The directorate, under the Commerce Ministry, will see whether the product is being dumped by firms of these nations in India and if it is impacting the domestic industry.

Also read: Steel prices cooling off by ₹3,000/t

If it is established in the probe that the dumping is denting margins of the domestic firm, the DGTR would recommend anti-dumping duty with a view to guard local industry from cheap imports.

“The authority, hereby, initiates an investigation to determine the existence, degree and effect of any alleged dumping in respect of the subject goods originating in or exported from the subject countries and to recommend the amount of anti-dumping duty, which if levied, would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry,” it has said.

The DGTR is also probing a similar case on imports of Clear Float Glass from Bangladesh and Thailand.

Asahi India Glass Ltd, Gold Plus Glass Industry, Sisecam Flat Glass India, and Saint-Gobain India have filed the application for the probe and imposition of the duty.

The product finds major uses in construction, refrigeration, mirror and solar energy industries etc. It is a superior quality of glass.

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Further the directorate has initiated a sunset-review investigation concerning imports of jute products from Bangladesh and Nepal.

Indian Jute Mills Association has alleged likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping of the goods from these two neighbouring countries if the existing duty would be ended.

“The authority hereby initiates sunset review investigation to review the need for continued imposition of the duties in force in respect of subject goods (jute products), originating in or exported from the subject countries and to determine whether expiry of existing anti-dumping duty is likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping and consequent injury to the domestic industry,” it added.

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Countries carry out anti-dumping probes to determine if their domestic industries have been hurt because of a surge in below-cost imports.

As a counter-measure, they impose duties under the multilateral regime of the World Trade Organization.

The duty is also aimed at ensuring fair trading practises and creating a level-playing field for domestic producers with regard to foreign producers and exporters.