French Ambassador to India Francois Richier said, “This is a war and as our President (Francois Hollande) has mentioned, we are going to be merciless ...”

“If need be, in future, we can even shutdown mosques if we identify them spreading hatred in the region. We will also not allow foreign Imams (Islamic clergy) to enter Paris or will immediately send them back if they are found spreading hatred,” Richier told reporters here on Monday.

He said the French government has already launched attacks on the Syrian camps that are believed to be housing Islamic State (IS) militants. He added, the French military has already destroyed a training camp and a command centre in Syria that belonged to the ISIS.

“We have re-established border control measures under the Schengen zone as we expect more such attacks across Europe,” he added.

Earlier today, even as normalcy returned in Paris, the French government launched air strikes in Raqqa, Syria as a response to the series of attacks carried on by ISIS in Paris in which 132 were killed and more than 300 were injured.

On the upcoming Climate Change Summit or COP21 that is going to be held in Le Bourget near Paris, Richier said France is in “state of maximum vigilance.”