The Finance Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, has appealed to Mr Anna Hazare to end his hunger strike, which entered the fourth day, and join the informal committee to make an effective Lokpal Bill.

“I appeal to Anna Hazare to end the fast and participate in the informal committee,” Mr Pranab Mukherjee told reporters on the sidelines of a CII event here today.

Mr Hazare is sitting on a fast-unto-death at Jantar Mantar in the Capital to press for an effective Lokpal Bill to deal with corruption in high places.

Earlier, on Wednesday, the Congress President, Ms Sonia Gandhi, had appealed to Mr Hazare to end his fast, assuring him that his views would receive the Government’s full attention.

“Talks are going on with Anna Hazare,” Mr Pranab Mukherjee said.

The Government has already initiated talks with Mr Hazare on the formation of a joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill but failed to reach a consensus on some crucial aspects.

Three of the five demands raised by Mr Hazare and his supporters have been met by the Government. These are formation of a joint committee with five members each from the Government and civil society, immediate setting up of the panel and bringing the Bill in the Monsoon Session.

However, the Government did not agree to the demand of issuing an official notification for the constitution of the committee.