India's public debt marginally reduced to ₹55.73 lakh crore at the end of March compared to ₹55.75 lakh crore in the quarter ending December, according to the Finance Ministry.

“This represented a quarter-on-quarter decrease of 0.04 per cent (provisional) compared with an increase of 3.9 per cent in the previous quarter,” a press release from the Finance Ministry said.

The outstanding internal debt of the government at ₹51.30 crore constituted 37.8 per cent of GDP at end-March 2016 as compared with 38.7 per cent of GDP at end-December 2015.

Internal debt constituted 92 per cent of public debt compared to 92.3 per cent in the previous quarter, said Quarterly Report on Debt Management released by the Finance Ministry Monday.

The proportion of debt (dated securities) maturing in less than one year increased to 4.0 per cent at end-March 2016 from 3.6 per cent a quarter ago.