Get ‘bounced' by a customer on Web or mobile; connect; and do business! Waybeo Technology Solutions, a Technopark-based start-up, has a product named ‘BounzD' to enable corporates do just that!

BounzD is an interactive widget for Web and mobile, which promptly identifies potential customers. It is basically a live calling solution for generating inbound leads for businesses and claimed to be the first such in the country.

Your Web site can serve as a platform for your customer to reach you any time via voice communication, says Mr Bushairusalam A. P., chief executive, Waybeo.

Once integrated in your Web page, BounzD scans the nature of your customer's needs and wants. You may simply put the BounzD button on your e-commerce or corporate Web site, online ads, blog or any Web page that you need.


When your customer presses on BounzD button, a call is immediately forwarded to your landline or mobile phone. Or even to ‘Google talk' or Skype, as per the priority and conditions set by you.

No phone or download is required. All that your ‘potential' customer needs is an Internet connection with a microphone.

What makes it highly beneficial to those in e-business is that the visitor does not need an account, ID or phone to talk. BounzD never passes customer data either as it does not require data to operate. “This helps the end customers to keep his credential private as long as he desires,” Mr Bushairusalam said.

If a computer microphone is not available, the customer may drop his phone number and BounzD connects him to the sales team immediately.

BounzD has found wide acceptance, especially in the real estate and hospitality sectors, Mr Bushairusalam said.

The clientele list includes Raintree Hotels, GRT, Spring Hotels, Mantri Group, Sahara group and government organisations such as Electronics Park of India.
