Unitech Wireless Chairman, Mr Sanjay Chandra, arrested by CBI in the wake of 2G spectrum scam, has asked the telecom company's board to appoint an alternate director to deal with its day-to-day affairs as an interim arrangement, Unitech said today.

Unitech Wireless is a joint venture between Unitech and Norway's Telenor. Telenor holds majority stake in the telecom venture. The company had acquired licences to offer mobile service in 2008, which have come under the scanner.

Telenor had demanded that Mr Chandra should resign from the chairmanship of Unitech Wireless till the investigations into 2G spectrum issue are over.

“We would like to clarify that Mr Sanjay Chandra has not resigned. However, in light of the recent developments in the investigations, he had already requested the Uninor (Unitech Wireless) board to appoint an alternate director in his place for dealing with company affairs in the near term,” Unitech said in response to a query by PTI.