Airtel Africa on Tuesday said it has appointed Sunil Taldar as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer with effect from July 1, and will be succeeding Olusegun “Segun” Ogunsanya who is retiring.

Taldar, who joined Airtel Africa in October 2023 as Director–Transformation, will begin the transition to the CEO role, working alongside Ogunsanya. Following a transition period, Taldar will be appointed to the Board as an Executive Director and assume the role of CEO, the company said in a statement.

Ogunsanya joined Airtel in 2012, ran the Nigeria Operations of the Telecommunications and mobile money company for nine years before his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the Group in 2021.

Building on the work undertaken during his time as CEO, including the launch of the company’s first sustainability strategy, and given his deep experience across Africa, Ogunsanya will become the Airtel Africa Charitable Foundation’s inaugural Chair, Airtel said adding that the Charitable Foundation’s objectives will focus on promoting digital inclusion, financial inclusion, access to education, and environmental protection.

The Charitable Foundation will be a separate legal entity and be independent of the Airtel Africa Group, it said.

“I am pleased Segun has agreed, following his retirement, to assume the new role as Chair of the Airtel Africa Charitable Foundation, where he will bring his visionary leadership to this new philanthropic initiative to advance development and prosperity across Africa. Segun will retire from the Board with our very best wishes and sincere appreciation for everything he has achieved,” Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman of Airtel Africa, said.

Following his retirement from Airtel Africa plc, Ogunsanya will also be available to advise the Chairman, the Airtel Africa Board and Chief Executive Officer for a 12-month period, the company added.