Despite the huge strides made in the digital and tech platforms in India, the cloud computing absorption in the country is an abysmal two per cent, according to A.S. Rajgopal, CEO, NxtGen Datacenter and Cloud Technologies.


Cloud computing is practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.


Speaking at a panel discussion on cloud computing in India at the CII DIGITIZE conference on Wednesday, Rajgopal said: “The main reason behind this low absorption is the outdated thought process of businesses which still look at their IT only for email, Ms Office, financial accounting and HR support and not anything beyond that.”


“Presently the IT departments of companies are focused on providing their statutory requirements and not on getting information which could help grow their business,” he added.


According to him, this can change with efforts to educate customers and dispel the many myths and misconceptions about cloud computing and make them more comfortable with its technology.


“The two main ways adoption of cloud computing can help business is the agility it brings in business as well as the lower cost owing to its pay-for-what you use only model,” he added.