Tata Group Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata on Thursday said F C Kohli will be remembered as one of the fathers of India’s successful IT industry.

"Faqir Kohli formed and led Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) from its founding days. He guided the company in its early years and defined the vision for its growth. This early vision played an important role in creating the outstandingly successful global IT company that TCS has become today," Tata said in a statement.

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"Kohli was driven in recent years to use technology to enable literacy to those who have not been fortunate enough to receive a formal education. His contribution in various technology-oriented areas were significant," he added.

"Kohli will be remembered as one of the fathers of India’s successful IT industry. He was gracious, unassuming, and always willing to help," Tata said.