Research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan has recognised Flytxt with the 2021 Global Company of the Year Award for use of artificial intelligence (AI) in telecom marketing.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents a ‘Company of the Year’ award to the organisation that demonstrates excellence in terms of growth strategy and implementation in its field. The award recognises innovation with products and technologies and resulting leadership in customer value and market penetration.

Flytxt is a leading player in marketing and AI technology, specialising in offering ‘customer life-time value’ management solutions for subscription and usage businesses such as telecom, banking, utilities, (online) media, entertainment, and travel.

Adapting to evolving tech

The company has its headquarters in the Netherlands, corporate office in Dubai and presence in Paris, London, Thiruvananthapuram, Mumbai, Singapore, Johannesburg, Nairobi, and Mexico City.

As the telecommunications industry transitioned from rule-based to augmented/autonomous marketing, it adapted technology using AI, data analytics, and machine learning to enable hyper-personalisation at scale, according to Frost & Sullivan.

“The uniquely differentiated software applications and best practices help telco marketers with data-driven decisions that improve customer lifetime value,” said Hemangi Patel, Senior Research Analyst for Frost & Sullivan.

Flytxt AI/ML applications handle decisions and actions dynamically and contextually, rapidly analysing high data volumes to arrive at the best opportunities to uplift customer value. Its solutions are easy to deploy and maintain without burdening in-house data engineers and scientists.

Data-driven experience

Flytxt’s proprietary customer value model (CVM) technology (data model, embedded analytics, explainable AI, and privacy preservation) is offered through a broad set of solutions used by more than 70 telcos globally. It helps enterprises to deliver comprehensive data-driven digital experiences via its omnichannel CVM solution packaging AI, analytics, and marketing automation.

CVM-in-a-box is a tightly packaged solution for smaller enterprises and business units to benefit from AI-driven marketing rapidly. The CVM accelerator solutions provide AI and analytics purpose-built to augment existing customer engagement systems and achieve CVM goals faster.

Ruman Ahmed, Best Practices Research Analyst for Frost & Sullivan said that Flytxt’s autonomous and explainable AI applications drive marketing optimisation at scale. These applications ensure that enterprises will never miss any opportunity to boost customer value across myriad contexts.

Right set of variables

“The AI/ML solutions deliver the right set of decisioning variables and logic to meet changing market dynamics in different markets. With its continued AI/ML innovation and proven results in various use cases across multiple markets, Flytxt emerges as the AI and analytics partner of choice for telcos to drive customer lifetime value.”

Vinod Vasudevan, CEO, Flytxt, said that his company is deeply honoured to receive the global recognition from Frost & Sullivan. “It is a testament to our pioneering R&D in bringing expertly packaged, market-proven analytics and AI solutions to drive up customer lifetime value.”