The 9-week program, delivered virtually, will feature fireside chats between Google leaders and trailblazing collaborators from across the startup ecosystem spanning fintech, D2C, B2B and B2C e-commerce, language, social media & networking, job search and many more.

With close to 70,000 startups, India is the third-largest birthing ground for startups in the world. And as more Indian founders lead their companies successfully to IPOs or unicorn status, it has set off a virtuous cycle wherein their success has ignited aspirations among youths across the length and breadth of the country.

“90% of all startups fail within the first five years of their journey - mostly for the same key reasons - unmanaged cash burn, flawed demand assessment, ineffective feedback loops or lack of leadership . Over the last twenty years, and especially in the last decade, Indian entrepreneurs have garnered a wealth of institutional knowledge, through which they’ve made the entrepreneurial journey a less lonely one for future founders. A defining tradition of the community has been knowledge sharing, which helps the whole community learn faster, avoid known pitfalls and borrow useful growth hacks.” Google said in a blogpost

“As startups come up in farther corners of the country, there is a need for programs which can organize this knowledge into a structured curriculum and deliver it across a wide footprint. Startup School India - a Google for Startups initiative is designed to do precisely that as we align our efforts to support this expansion,” it added.

The 9-week program, delivered virtually, will feature fireside chats between Google leaders and trailblazing collaborators from across the startup ecosystem spanning fintech, D2C, B2B and B2C e-commerce, language, social media & networking, job search and many more. The full list of speakers is available here.