Indian developers note that the Competition Commission of India’s order on Google will have far-reaching implications, as it not only imposes a penalty but also mandates Google to stop practices that suppress competitive Indian apps. 

On Thursday, the CCI flagged Google’s anti-competive practices of maximising its user base at the cost of smaller app developers. The anti-trust body noted that these will not be tolerated. This included allowing handset-makers to allow installing alternative versions of Andriod (Android Forks) without pressure or incentives from Google. CCI also added that Google must not deny access to its play services APIs to disadvantage OEMs, app developers and its existing or potential competitors. Moreover, in addition to this, CCI also wants Google to allow developers to distribute their app stores through Google Play Store. 

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However, the Indian regulator is not just addressing the tech company’s discriminatory practices on Play Store, but also wants to replace Google’s  monopolistic set-up for its operating system, which prioritises its proprietary applications. CCI said that OEMs will not be restrained from choosing among the bouquet of Google’s proprietary application to be pre-installed apps on their devices with Google-owned Android. Moreover, licensing of Google Play Store will not be linked to the pre-installation of certain Google proprietary apps; furthermore, deletion of Google’s pre-installed apps will also be allowed.

Indian developers have noted that Google has unfairly leveraged its market dominance to discriminated against developers in its Play store billing policy, charging high commissions and discriminating against its competitors.

Thus, developers welcomed CCI’s order. Rohan Verma, CEO and ED, MapmyIndia Mappls, a direct competitor to Google Maps, said: “CCI findings show how Indian indigenous apps have been suppressed, and that is the reason why most Indians have not been able to access…more local Indian apps.”

“The CCI judgment needs to be implemented strongly and quickly without loopholes to prevent more damage to India as a country and Indian consumers,” added Verma.

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Internet researcher, Srinivas Kodali, said: “Google’s monopoly comes from acquiring more customers, Google disincentivises its competitors from acquiring more customers. The CCI judgment strikes at the heart of the problem that there can be another playstore.” Kodali is alluding to Indian app developers, who were seeking to set up an alternative app store when Google hiked up commissions on developers to 33 per cent last year. 

Vishal Gondal, founder and CEO of GOQii, added: “India is the last growth frontier for Google’s user base, and Google’s Play Store strategy has played a major role in bolstering its user base. Google will have to adhere to CCI’s mandate however, which will expand the company’s fast expanding use base.”