As it opened a 3-lakh sq ft design and innovation centre here, chip maker Intel Corporation has announced plans to set up an incubation centre to groom start-ups and churn out some ‘unicorns’, $1 billion start-ups..

“We are planning to take about 12 start-ups a year and provide them with infrastructure, technology and funds. We have set up something like that in Bengaluru three years ago,” Nivruti Rai, Country Head of Intel India, and Vice-President (Data Centre Group) of Intel Corporation, she told BusinessLine . It incubated 60 units and some of them are earning significant revenues.

“There are a lot of start-ups in software and services space. But not many in the hardware, products and platform areas. We would like to support them, handhold them and help them Venture Capital funding,” she said.

From Intel’s side, the start-ups would be given access to all the technologies and platforms. “What we expect from them is to come with a prototype. After a due process, we will help them with technology support and funding,” she said.

The Intel’s design centre, inaugurated by Telangana IT Minister KT Rama Rao on Monday, can house 1,500 engineers. The incubation facility, christened Intel India Maker Lab, will incubate electronics hardware and systems start-ups. About 40,000 sq ft of space will be earmarked for labs on different technology areas.

The new facility, which presently employs about 400 employees, will focus on graphics, hardware platforms and System on Chip (SoC).

Addressing the gathering, Raja Koduri, Senior Vice-President, Chief Architect and General Manager of Architecture (Graphics and Software) at Intel, said there was a need to analyse the data in real time. “The amount of data we are generating is way higher than our ability to analyse it,” he said.

Early this year, it acquired human resource and ‘knowledge’ of Hyderabad-based start-up Ineda Systems.