India’s poor Internet penetration is disappointing, said Vinton Gray Cerf, one of the founders of the Internet. The 70-year-old American computer scientist is Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist.

India’s Internet penetration, one of the lowest in Asia, is 11.4 per cent; Pakistan’s is 15.3 per cent. The Asian average is 27.5 per cent. South Korea leads with 82.5 per cent followed by Japan (79.5 per cent).

Cerf, who co-developed the TCP/IP protocol which paved the way for the modern Internet 30 years back, was speaking at ‘Open and universal Internet as an opportunity for greater prosperity’, organised by TiE Chennai and Internet Society India, Chennai, in partnership with Nasscom.

Though there are many issues in China, one has to give credit for the huge investment the Chinese Government has made to increase Internet penetration, said Cerf, winner of Turing Award, considered the Nobel for Computing.

More Internet access will benefit sectors such education and government, he said.
