The Union Government on Wednesday has approved Rs 436 crore for a skills development programme, which is to be sent over the next three years.

Under this programme, named PRIME (Programme for Reskilling/ Upskilling of IT Manpower for Employability) , around four lakh professionals will be trained in the latest technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain.

The Ministry of Electronics and IT, and Nasscom will work together to train the professionals.

“In the digital world, trained workforce will become India’s biggest competitive advantage. The government is committed to work with the IT industry and Nasscom to create India Digital Talent Stack, that will propel India into a leadership position in the digital world,” Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Electronics and IT, and Communications, told reporters in New Delhi.

Some of the salient features of PRIME include offering diagnostics for learner preference and skill gaps leading to identification of relevant courses, help building digital fluencies in emerging technologies, offer online upskilling in identified skill competencies, and each learner will get a ‘Skills Passport’ where competencies acquired by the learner will get accumulated.

Prasad said that every learner will get a ‘Skills Wallet’ where s/he will have the opportunity to get up to Rs 12,000 from the Union Government as an incentive upon certification.

While many of the content of the courses will be free, some of the courses will have nominal fee ranging from around Rs 10,000 to Rs 60,000, and the duration of the course may also range from some hours to even six months and more.

“This will be also opening up beyond the IT industry as many other sectors whether banking, healthcare or hospitality, all require skilled IT workers today,” Debjani Ghosh, President, Nasscom said.

By 2030, India will have more than 90 million people joining the workforce due to its existing demographic dividend, and this programme will help in building skilled workforce.