Following the footsteps of Snapchat and Facebook, business networking platform LinkedIn is working on adding ‘Stories’ feature to its platform.

Pete Davis, the head of content products at LinkedIn on Thursday confirmed the news with an official post on LinkedIn detailing the same.

“We're testing Stories. Here's how we're thinking about the ways the format will help kickstart the conversations and nurture the relationships that are core to everything that happens on LinkedIn,” Davis captioned the post.

“We’re currently testing LinkedIn Stories internally, and we can’t wait to test it with our members in the coming months. We’ve learned so much already about the unique possibilities of Stories in a professional context,” he wrote in the post.

Davis, highlighting LinkedIn’s efforts to boost engagement on the platform said that the business networking site has witnessed a 25 per cent Y-o-Y growth in engagement over the past few years with stories being its new effort to further improve user interaction.

“Over the last few years, that’s led us to launch features including Newsletters, Live Video, Trending News, and Reactions. There are more conversations taking place in the LinkedIn feed than ever before, with a 25 per cent year-over-year increase in engagement,” he said.

Explaining the practical application of the feature on a platform meant for business networking rather than social networking unlike the other platforms using the feature, Davis said, “ The sequencing of the Stories format is great for sharing key moments from work events, the full-screen narrative style makes it easy to share tips and tricks that help us work smarter, and the way Stories opens up new messaging threads makes it easier for someone to say, “and by the way… I noticed you know Linda, could you introduce me?””

Stories first appeared on Snapchat, with Facebook soon following suit, introducing the feature for Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook.

LinkedIn hasn’t finalized a date as to when it will be launching the feature yet. Davis also asked for user input and feedback to further improve the feature in his post.

Stories are garnering engagement among young users on social media platforms with multiple platforms moving in to cash in on the feature. Platforms such as Instagram are bettering the feature to provide a better user experience.

Earlier in February, the short video app added a new feature to its stories letting users respond to other user’s stories with GIFs.