Twitter has launched its new media agency programme #TweetToTheTop in India, which it sees as a strategic mobile and social media market worldwide. Eleven agencies from global media and advertising networks, including Dentsu, GroupM, IPG and Omnicom will participate in the initiative.

A press release said #TweetToTheTop is Twitter’s first year-long agency engagement programme dedicated to young media executives in five countries in Asia Pacific: India, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia.

The release quoted a recent eMarketer worldwide report which said that more than 60 per cent of agency leads still have challenges measuring ROI on social media marketing, and more than 35 per cent are challenged on tying social to business goals.

The collaboration will provide media agency professionals with exclusive access to Twitter’s stock of solutions and global advertising tech leaders, including Jayanta Jenkins, Twitter’s Global Creative Director, and Stacy Minero, Twitter’s Global Head of Planning & Creative Agency Development. The top 25 among them will compete to have their work entered in the Cannes Festival of Creativity in July 2018. The programme will comprise workshops and training sessions across three phases. Live briefs, one in support of a social cause and two focus on real business challenges, will be issued to eventually determine the top five participants per country who will face-off for the chance to represent their agency at Cannes 2018.