Using gesture technology, Hyderabad-based start-up, Hug Innovations has come up with an innovative protection method that can raise safety alarms and also will have ability to control IoT (Internet of Things) based devices.

The novelty has got the company a US patent. The immediate applications is development of wearable devices that improve individual safety, especially of women.

The patent on `safety monitoring of individual using gesture technology' gives us a head-start in the area of IoT and wearable devices, said Raj Neravati, Founder and CEO of the start-up.

In addition to safety alarms, this innovative gesture control technology can control any IoT based devices (smart appliances, drones, computer, etc).

"We are the only company in the world who can perform touch less interactions in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality based applications. This technology can be used to control drones without losing line of sight,” he added.

The technology is in line with that used in X-Box or PlayStation, where a camera recognizes & interprets human body motion.

The difference is that the disruptive gesture technology can achieve the same without any camera. This technology is built with ability to track hand movements based on relative motion combined with Artificial Intelligence, machine land contextual intelligence, Raj explained.

So far the firm has built 16 unique gestures and can control 20+ applications. It is building health care and military defence applications using this technology.