Parenting can be trying. It is still worse after the advent of web. Leaving your children unguided in the virtual world could be as dangerous as in real life. Kaspersky, the Russian anti-virus solutions company, says cyber criminals are using all sorts of methods to entice children and shatter their lives.

From luring kids into chats with malicious intentions to faking social networking sites and to pushing malicious answers to top of search results – they are leaving no option unused. And duping kids is very easy because they are very curious about knowing things.

Kaspersky asks parents to educate themselves about the ways of cyber criminals before they try to help their children on safe-keep of their lives.

“You should never make your address, phone number or other contact information public. Do not send that information to a stranger by email, via a social network or by chat. Criminals can use contact information to track a person,” it says.

Other e-commandments it suggests include:

• Never agree to meet a stranger in person. Simply ignore these invitations, and cut off communication with anyone who insists on meeting.

• Do not publish your email address on any forums, community websites, or social networks. Spammers mine such resources for email addresses, and could potentially fill your inbox with unwanted mails.

• Do not click on links in messages from strangers. It might be dangerous, since the message could have been sent by a cyber criminal.

• You should not follow links with tempting offers such as increasing your account rating or gaining some kind of super-user options on social networks. More often than not, these messages are sent by spammers or cybercriminals in order to trick users into visiting a malicious website which will then infect their computers with malware.

• Do not pay attention to offers of free prizes, easy money or inheritances.