TripAdvisor, an online travel planning site, plans to focus on the activity space segment. Usually, the traveller after reaching the destination looks for the activities in that particular place, and the process is mostly offline. Now, the US-based firm is focussing on bringing the activity supply online.

The online platform operates in three segments: hotel, restaurant and activities.

“Currently, the activity space is in its nascent stage, therefore, our first step is to bring activity supply online. So that when customers plan a vacation, they can book a hotel-room, flight tickets as well as activities all online before they reach the destination,” said Nikhil Ganju, Country Manager - India, TripAdvisor.

“We are getting activity providers to put their inventory online so that they can also be booked online,” said Ganju.

On the hotel segment, the firm plans to consolidate the business in order to grow further. In the restaurant category, the company is working with local partners.

On the growth in hotel occupancy, Ganju said, “After going through a few flat years, we are finally seeing some growth. One of the reasons could be that now the customers have a variety of options at affordable prices.”

Adding that with a lot of new players and budget chains coming in, they have brought standardisation to the market.

Revenue generator

Taking about the areas which are high revenue generators, Ganju said, “In India, transportation is the highest revenue generator, followed by accommodation and destination activities”.