Webscale Networks, an Indian talent-led US Cloud company headquartered in Silicon Valley, has allocated an investment of ₹130 crore to the India market over the next three years.

The investments will go into setting up offices in that will serve the Indian market and target the Asia Pacific markets as well.

Plans are on to double the India headcount by the year end with hires in the areas of sales, marketing, quality and assurance, and support.

“We offer an integrated web application delivery solution to mid-sized enterprises which provides scalability, high performance, security and control in a single powerful platform,” Sonal Puri, CEO, Webscale Networks, told BusinessLine . “While globally, the core markets for our solutions are e-commerce, e-learning and financial services firms; in India, we are targeting mid-sized e-commerce, travel, media and entertainment firms.”

“India is the perfect launchpad to the rest of Asia for Webscale as we can make significant progress in our goal towards building a billion-dollar business with our base in India. I have already hired a regional sales manager in India and China,” added Puri, who is on a visit to India.

At present, a lion’s share of the company’s business is from customers in the the US, with just 20 per cent of the business from China, India, Australia and the UK, with India contributing a minuscule percentage to the overall business.

“The Webscale platform provides dynamic resource allocation to customers, which means predictive auto-scaling for cCoud infrastructure when web traffic increases drastically during sales, flash discounts or for any other reason,” said Puri.

In 2016, the company’s revenues grew over 100 per cent year-on-year, and Puri says she expects the same growth in 2017.

Webscale has to date raised $20 million from investors.